C.P = [ S.P/(100+g) * 100 ] |
2.Mean rate of interest,
3.Final % of Alcohol =
[ (Qi/Pi)/(Qi+Qw added) ] |
Pi -----> Initial percentage
Qw -----> Quantity of water added
4.Final % of alcohol =
[ (Qi*Pi)/(Qi-Qw evoparated) ] |
Qw -----> Quantity of water evoparated.
5.Quantity of water to be added =
[ Qmix * [(P2-P1)/(100-P2) ] ] |
P1 and P2 are percentages of water.
6.Other than water =
P1 and P2 are the % of constituent other than water (i.e., salt,alcohol etc)
7.Ratio of water to milk =
8. Percentage of water =
x -----> Capacity of container (or) Initial quatity of pure milk.
y -----> Quantity drawn out each time.
n -----> No.of operations.
10.No.of rabits (4 legs) =
[ No.of legs given - (No.of heads given * 2) ]/2 |
No.of pigeons =
[ No.of heads given - No.of rabits ] |
11. The mixture drawn out and replaced with water, so that the mixture may be half water and milk is =
[ (1/2) * (difference in parts/greater part) ] |
12.One gallon =
i think something wrong with formula number 10. it is not giving correct ans.
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